Excerpt 1
S so how do you think you felt about computers (when you were young- in grade school/middle school).
A I loved it - I loved it because, when I discovered what AOL was - that I could email my friends, put in little pictures, photoshop - all those things - and like chat with people my age -which can be dangerous. She is explain here how fun the internet was for her back when she was younger but mentions the fact she knows/knew that the internet was dangerous.
A We didn't have a computer, but we had web tv. Must have been in fifth grade. And it was a slow connection and you could have a little keyboard, and you could, check your email, and you could also chat strangers - which was dangerous cause I think I talked to a pedophile I'm not sure, I I was in fifth grade I gave him my phone number when he called me I hung up I was so scared realizes that by her talking with a pedophile could have become a very dangerous situation for herself, was naive to has dangerous it was to give someone your phone number over the internet
S what did that experience do
A That was scary. because
S did you tell your mom
A no I never told my mom or my dad
S we'll be careful if we publish this (laughing) knew the danger and that was she did was wrong because she mentioned that she was more scared of her mother finding out that the actual pedophile.
A I mean, I think I told them later on when I was in college, but it's dangerous,
A cause my parents weren't familiar with computers or web tv and I was a child exploring it -like - there was no restrictions, my parents didn't know how to put restrictions, they weren't too familiar with it. Shows how much freedom she had with the internet because her parents didn’t know much about it. It's only maybe three of four years ago that my mom learned how to use a computer so being a child, discovering it on your own could be really dangerous when there's chat rooms, and talking to people telling you that they're your age, but they're not now knows that everyone isn’t who they say they are on the internet.
S Exactly
A That was scary experience
S But you figured that out, you knew to hang up when you got the call
A Yeah, well as soon as I heard a deep voice I was like, that is not a kid, and like I think he asked me what I was wearing, and so I I was like, I'm wearing pajamas - bye, and I was like Oh my gosh, he's going to find where I live, my mom's going to kill me, so I didn't go on WebTv for a long time.
Now realizing the danger that she put herself in because the person who she had been talking to the whole time over the computer was in fact a grown adult.
S Oh my. So that was frightening. but it was also - how did that change the way you used it then?
A I was careful, and then I was strict on my younger sister and my brothers using the computer. I also hogged the computer because I liked talking to my friends. But when my sister started going online I would check up on who she's talking to, I would look over, I would check the history, see what websites she went on gender stereotyping because she was more strict on her sister than brother most likely because of what she went through
S and how old were you when you were doing that.
A High school. I was in high school. I was more familiar with it. And we started learning more about computers from the in middle school in high school by that time I was able to email who ever I wanted, and research, very familiar with the internet
What makes one feel that “A” was scared of the people she spoke with on the internet? How does this make us realize how dangerous the internet can be?
“which was dangerous cause I think I talked to a pedophile I'm not sure, I was in fifth grade I gave him my phone number when he called me I hung up I was so scared…… Yeah, well as soon as I heard a deep voice I was like, that is not a kid, and like I think he asked me what I was wearing, and so I I was like, I'm wearing pajamas - bye, and I was like Oh my gosh, he's going to find where I live, my mom's going to kill me, so I didn't go on WebTv for a long time.
What does this except say about stereotypes and genders?
When “A” was explain how she now monitors what her sister is doing on the computer. She is always looking over her shoulder and she put restrictions on the computer so her sister won’t end up in the same situation that she did with the man on the phone .it’s different for brother because she mentions she never really watches him on the computer. I think this has something to do with her feeling more safe because he is a guy and in her mind there aren’t as many pedophiles there are for little boy as there are for girls
Choice of language
“A” uses a lot of “I” in her interview. It gives you the feeling that she thought she was alone in what she was going through,
a. She says, “ I think I talked to a pedophile”
b. “ I was a child that was just exploring”
c. “ I heard a deep voice”
What was scary in the excerpt like dangerous situations occurred (the tone)?
“A” says “I picked up the phone and heard a deep voice” she then realized that this was not a boy her age who she thought she had been talking to.
Excerpt 2
S so what did you and your friends do on the computer in a typical session - if you went over to your friend down the street
A check our emails, check our home pages, see if people left us messages, go in chat rooms and chat with our friends, exchange pictures with people that lived in our area that was our age, which could be dangerous, cause they could be imposters, we really didn't care ( more of a lighter situation, she states that she really doesn’t care about the possible danger from talking to others)
A I think paint came with our computers, I remember eight grade we were playing with like drawing our own little pictures, um changing the backgrounds and printing out whatever we did on paint, and then it evolved into photoshop, and making my eyes green, and fixing my cousin's nose to make it a little pointier, and then sending it to people will all the photoshop, so we had a lot of fun (learned to have fun with the computer as oppose to getting herself into trouble)
S oh you did (laughing) you did
A we would make ourselves a little thinner, and that's what we did though, I think half of our albums were photoshopped, so um (innocent fun)
S so how often did you use technology with your friends?
A every time we hung out
S every time, every time
A every time, that was just our way of life afterwards
S do you have a particular story about one one adventure with technology (laughing)
A um, one time we were in a chat room, chatting, well my friend and I were like, oh lets go with that guy's sceen name, and then, he was like do you have a picture, we sent a picture, we found out it was our pastor's son who was like 20, and we're like eeuew he's like an older brother, and then when he saw our picture he's like why are you doing that, why were you sending pictures to strangers, and kind of got mad at us ( wasn’t really too thrilled about who she was talking to because she thought it was someone else)
S oh that's really funny it backfired on both of you
A it was kind of embarrassing, we were like eeuuew, we go to church with him, he's old,
S that's really funny, how old were you then
A we were freshman in high school
S ok so you were about 14
A yeah, and he was bout 20, and he was like our older brother, too, and we were like, so now we know how you pick us girls, all these girls you met were from the chat room
S that's really funny
A that was a weird story
S that's a funny story, and it's funny, it's like a reprise of the story when you were little, and you gave, but it's um
A well this time it's someone I know and I think we lied about our age, too, so we said, every time we were 14 we'd at 3 or 4 extra years, we wanted to sound older (small laugh) and we would change our screen name so many times, cause we're like 'ahh, we want to have a new personality today'
S laughing
A we're like "pinkgirlloves whatever" or there, like our new boyfriends name, like Angelalovewhateverhisnameis - we changed it every week. What can you do?
Choice of language
This time she uses terms such as “we” and “our”. The situation is more light. This funnier because she is engaging in these activities with her friends she isn’t alone. Even her since of talking about the situation more lightly in the phrases she uses shows a whole change in the story.
a. What can you do?
b. Pinkgirlloves., whatever
Mood change:
The words fun and laugh were used a lot more frequently in the second excerpt. This expresses a change of mood.
Change in maturity levels between the two excerpts
During excerpt 1 “A” was more so nervous about her getting in trouble if her mother found out she had given her number to a person she met on the internet. She was so afraid of what her mother would say that she stayed off the WebTV for a long while. She was nervous that the man who called her would find out where she lived. In the second excerpt when she realized she was talking to her pastors son she really didn’t care as much as she did the first time she found out she was talking to someone. This time there was an I don’t care attitude. Although she was embarrassed about talking to her pastors son this time it didn’t stop her from continuing to talk to other people on the internet.