Sunday, December 11, 2011

new draft for research paper

How does writing help women who have been in abusive relationships?

Since the beginning of time, domestic violence has always been in our world. Years ago a lot of situations went ignored and nothing was done about it because most women did not report incidents thinking they will just get better or there were not a lot of resources to turn to for help. Thankfully being a much more advance society we are trying to change what is going on in our world for the better. I am going to design a study to see how and if writing does help the women who have been in abusive relationships. I never thought twice before about finding out what are these women’s though patters after going through such traumatic experiences.

            This study is important to English Studies in many ways. Some people would over look writing as part of the healing process to those who have been abused. This topic should be focused on more; in hopes that more people would catch on that writing can be part of any healing process. I personally think that writing is so effective because you can say whatever you feel without any interruption or judgment. After writing things down you feel a sense of relief. Sometimes all that is needed is for your most inner thoughts and feelings to be written down on paper. Some people write down their thoughts before having an actual conversation. This is mostly a calming method because by writing first you have time to release most of your anger and stress and as a result, you would have a calmer conversation. When someone goes to see any type of therapist, the number one thing that is recommended is for the patient to keep a journal and what down any thoughts that may come about. I would like to find out more why writing is such a key ingredient to healing.

There has been a lot a research that has been done on this topic. James Pennebaker has written an outstanding amount of articles on writing and healing. Pennebaker did a study where participants were asked to write about a traumatic experience that has happened to them, in sessions over four days, each writing times lasting only twenty minutes. After doing such a study there is now a very detailed literature supporting the idea that emotional self-discloser has been known to improve physical health, psychological well-being and general adjustment. It still isn’t clear if self-discloser is equally beneficial to men and women. Although a number of descriptive studies have shown that women engage in more emotional self-discloser than men. Typically men are less expressive and comfortable with showing their emotions than men. Pennebaker has also done research on translating events into language can affect the brain and immune functions. Writing was found to reduce anxiety and depression. The more people describe their emotions in their writing the more likely they are afterwards.

For my research method I plan on using ethnographic research. I would like to observe a writing session/group. I want to see exactly what the mood like is during this time? How old are the ladies in the group? Are they comfortable sharing their feelings and personal thoughts around each other? I would also like to use textual analysis. I would like to see if from the time the ladies first stated their writing process has their feeling improved? Are any of them less angry and stressed than they were before? Using textual analysis is really a way of me being able to find out for myself does writing help the victims of violence.

I would like to visit and observe a writing group for women who have been in violent relationship. I want to find out if writing has actually helped how they feel. I wonder if the writing session is just a time for writing or sharing. Do the ladies have to share what they wrote or they keep things to themselves? I would like the speak with one of the ladies one on one to ask if writing has help her with her feelings and healing from the traumatic experience she had to go through.

Some difficulties that I think I will face are the ladies not being comfortable with me sharing their thoughts with me. I fear that they will shut down because I do not share this common bond. I think a difficulty will also be because they are not comfortable with me I may not find out all the information I need.  

I am still confused about how should i develop and organize appropriately to a reflective anaysis.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Qualitative Methods

·         Test the effectiveness of oral history interviewing in a clinical setting by its inclusion in a treatment program for veterans with prostate cancer
·         Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer in males, treatment can include surgery or radiation therapy
·         Since 1930 oral history has been seen primarily as a method of documentation and historical inquiry
·         Some studies see a possible link between recounting one’s life history and reduced depression
·         Interviews of 60 minute sessions with an interviewer trained in oral history methodology and practice.
·         Focusing on patient’s life, military service, and illness. Screened for post traumatic stress disorder and have access to a psychologist
·         Had a good turn out from the feedback of the surveys – unusual because most don’t return surveys
·         Most assume veterans don’t want to talk about their experiences with war- could be a possibility because they are never asked
·         The argument that oral history is good for you is not new
·         Some studies see a possible link between recounting one’s life history and reducing depression
·         A research that relies less on interviews and observation, small numbers and questionnaires, focus group, subjective reports and case studies but much more focused on the collection and analysis of numerical data and statistics.  

research draft

Jazmyne Miller

How does writing help women who have been in abusive relationships?
Since the beginning of time, domestic violence has always been in our world. Years ago a lot of situations went ignored and nothing was done about it because most women did not report incidents thinking they will just get better or there were not a lot of resources to turn to for help. Thankfully being a much more advance society we are trying to change what it going on in our world for the better. I have researched and done a study to see how and if writing does help the women who have been in abusive relationships. My knowledge that I have gained has been outstanding. I never thought twice before about finding out what are these women’s though patters after going through such traumatic experiences.
             I visited a women shelter specifically for women and their families who have been in abusive situations, in our surrounding area, their name I will not disclose, but I had a chance to sit in on one of their group sessions. The group meets once a week. One of the things they are asked to do is write about what was discussed in the previous meeting and how it relates to their lives. I came in on the discussion of forgiveness. The women were asked to write what does forgiveness mean to them and do they think they could ever one day forgive the person who has done them wrong. Listening to this discussion was something I would never forget. It amazed me to hear theses women’s personal thoughts and feelings.
One woman in particular voiced how she feels now, she thinks she could never forgive her husband for treating herself and her son the way he did.  She said her definition of forgiveness was to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge. Forgiveness was not what she felt she could do at this time because she wanted revenge. She expressed how she wanted her husband to feel all of the pain and hurt she felt times ten. Because of her religion she knew the right thing for her to do is forgive but the way she felt now she couldn’t see how she could ever forgive her husband.
The lady who ran the group had been a woman who she too was in an abusive relationship. She told me how she one attended this program, and now volunteers her time to help the woman who feel how she once did. I asked her some general questions about her personal situation she once went though. What stood out to me is that even though she is helping other women better themselves she told me that every day it is still a struggle for her to not let her ill feeling come back. The lady told me how keeping a journal is what helped her most because she was able to express all of her feelings without anyone else’s input. She encourages the other women to do the same. Because the ladies keep a journal she expressed to me how she is seeing some improvement in their attitudes and sharing their feelings.
I feel like keeping a journal in any situation is helpful because you can write your most personal feelings and thought without any judgment or other opinions. The women are encouraged to read their journals to the group but not forced to. The woman who ran the meeting said most of the women in due time do share what they have written. They will not share everything but some things they will. The mood in the room was very relaxed. I think this is because these women are so relieved to be out of their bad situation and amongst other women who they share some of the same feelings and thoughts with.
Throughout this research project I used textual analysis as one of my methods. I interpreted some of the women’s thoughts and feelings to drawl my own conclusion of how they may have felt. I also used a ethnographic methods because I observed everything that they were doing.  I concluded that writing does in fact help these women in their healing process. Even after the meetings and programs writing is still an effective tool.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blog 17...Research question, relevant research, and identification of methods

Research Objective:
·         I would like to research how writing effect/help women that have been in abusive relationships

I would like to observe and find out:
·         How long did it take the ladies to start writing
·         Did they start to express their feelings right away did they have to make a certain connection first
·         How is their interaction with the other women in the room
·         What was the mood
·         How were the ladies emotions during this time
·         Do they share their writing
·         Do most prefer to keep their writing to themselves
·         Does it make the ladies feel better to share their feelings
·         How tense is the mood
·         How exactly do they write (are thoughts just jotted down or fully written?)

Identification Methods:
·         Creative writing
·         Ethnographic
·         Textual analysis

Sunday, November 27, 2011

research project thoughts

After my conference I made up my mind finally what I would like to do for my research project. I would like to research how writing effect/help women that have been in abusive relationships. I want find out things such as

·         Does keeping a journal help with the healing process of what you have been through

·         Being in a wring group- does is make these women feel more powerful because they can control what they write and what goes on in the group

·         Would any of them like the start their own writing group

I plan on going to centers that house battered women and I plan to find out some of the following

·         Ask if I can give a survey with various questions about their experiences

·         Ask if I can sit in on one a session of some sort

·         Observe a writing group

I am not too sure of all the methods I want to use. I know I will be using auto/biographical methods and ethnographic methods

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog 16- Ideas For Research Project

I have not have to a definite decision on what I want my research project to be on. Some ideas have come across my mind but I want to pick a topic that will be interesting to research. I want my topic to be a subject that is not commonly spoken on. Some of the ideas that I have chosen was:

1.      Women who were in abusive relationships ( how their life is now and the after effects of it all)

2.      Parents who have a mentally disabled child ( how their life is affected by it)

3.      People who are struggling to live due to the economic crisis (especially those who are well educated)

4.  Immigration status (the immigration status of anyone under "reasonable suspicion" of being an illegal alien they have to be able to provide proof that they are legal in the states)

I have not exactly decided what topic I want to choose from. I am leaning more towards number 1 or 4 though. What do you think? I am stuck

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog 15-Plan For Revising Essay

I do not really have a plan for revising my paper. I feel like there are some point that my paper can be stronger, for example, I noticed that I really did not have a strong conclusion. When reading my essay I know that I could have a stronger body.
To make my body stronger I could go back to read the text again to see if I discover any new conclusions that can be made. I did not want to make the mistake of going over line by line explaining what was going on and end up repeating myself in the essay. More text can be added to my paper, I believe you can never hurt your paper by giving more detail. Lastly I think the whole structure of my essay can use some revising.